Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Hello Fellow Flyers and Friends,
Totally awesome first week...overloaded (in a good way) with new people, new info and the truly amazing KRR.
I have been painting and journaling while trying to keep up with the Posts and the Facebook Group.
Impossible task. Needless to say the housework and organizing has come to a STOP.

My Blog here has had a major redo today. My post text was light colored on a black background and it was a No No, so I have switched it up and hopefully it is easier to read and still has some style.
I love swirls and paisley. A website is in my future - I can see it - already in my head and heart.

Still pondering what to share here and what to keep to myself. My Art is very connected to my healing process - when I create I am able to work through the pain of my health challenges. Happy to report that I have been feeling much better since starting on new meds last week and doing the loving kindness meditation every day.

Something about me; I just love birds, I collect feathers, and my Flamingo collection is extensive. So Flying Lessons is truly appropriate for me.

1 comment:

Shelly Jack said...

Hi Su :) I am also loving the Flying Lessons course and the entire experience! There is so much to absorb there!! Thank goodness there will be a PDF to keep and be able to go back to. I really like the background you have here on your blog page. Looks great! Hope you are doing well!
Shelly Jack