Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

Good Morning,
Plans today include going to the Energy/Meditation Group, Xray of my right knee and possibly the TB Test;may have to wait until Friday for that.
Canvas on sale at Michael's and I want to buy Modeling Paste. I finally found some reasonably priced ink jet transparency sheets and a great text background stamp - they are being shipped this week. No other purchases allowed.

My granddaughter Kayla has been posting new professional photos of her family on Facebook. Check out my profile...they are so wonderful.

Nikki, you and the family are in my thoughts and prayers today. Mutchie was so loved...God bless.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Mutchie Hanna passed this weekend. She was a second Mom to me for many years. We shared a passion for gardening and painting and family. Thank you life is so much richer for having you in it. I love you.